Web Directory links remain one of the most effective, long-lasting forms of one-way link building available today. As Google and Bing constantly make changes to their algorithms, with the "Panda" update, then the "Penguin" update and the many others, links from web directories remain as strong and effective as ever! Google and Yahoo own their own web directories, so you can rest assured that links from them will continue to be legitimate and powerful!
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Directory Links - Still as Strong as Ever
Web Directory links remain one of the most effective, long-lasting forms of one-way link building available today. As Google and Bing constantly make changes to their algorithms, with the "Panda" update, then the "Penguin" update and the many others, links from web directories remain as strong and effective as ever! Google and Yahoo own their own web directories, so you can rest assured that links from them will continue to be legitimate and powerful!