Grow Taller Secret Robert Grand

I am going to try to review a very unique product this time. It is not a “nutritional multi-vitamin supplement” or E-Product like “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” (Update: Apparently I was wrong about this product not being an E-Product, it is or actually it can come in electronic or paperback form). It seems to be a paperback book, non-fiction titled ” Grow Taller Secrets: Journey Into The World Of Human Growth And Development, or How To Grow Taller Naturally And Safely, 2nd Ed.” The book is written by Robert Grand. It has a long title, so I’ll just call it “Growing Taller                                                                            


I am going to try to review a very unique product this time. It is not a “nutritional multi-vitamin supplement” or E-Product like “Grow Taller 4 Idiots” (Update: Apparently I was wrong about this product not being an E-Product, it is or actually it can come in electronic or paperback form). It seems to be a paperback book, non-fiction titled ” Grow Taller Secrets: Journey Into The World Of Human Growth And Development, or How To Grow Taller Naturally And Safely, 2nd Ed.” The book is written by Robert Grand. It has a long title, so I’ll just call it “Growing Taller Secrets”, or GTS for short.
I don’t have the paperback book or intend to order it but wanted to try to analyze and review it as well as I can from other people’s reviews, comments, and opinions they have made on the book.
My main resources that I used were from the actual Amazon webpage that sells the product which you can find HERE, However, it would appear that there seems to be more than 1 of these Amazon customer review pages.
For the first edition of the Growing Taller Secrets book, you can click on this link HERE.
To start off, here are the first problems I have with this book. It states that for the 1st edition of the book, it will cost you $388 for it in new conditions and for used books, it will cost you $98!! I am astounded at how expensive this paperback is supposed to be.
NOTE: If you really wanted to take a look at the book, go to the Products section and I have a copy of the 1st edition of the book. It’s free to download.
Review of 1st edition
On the amazon page for the 1st edition, there are 73 customer reviews, which are equally distributed between people who praise the book and others who criticize it. You can get to the customer reviews by clicking HERE. In my opinion, when it comes to products that claim to increase one’s height, it is important to be first skeptical, get all the information, but also have the willingness to try to have some faith and suspend our judgement for later. 
These are the reviews that criticize the book which offer more details and insight than just bashing the guy or the product without explaining themselves.

Orignal Price : $ 47
Crack Price  : $  6.95
Download Below