XJZ Survey Remover Script

Remove Locks on Websites                                

Why Do Sites Make You Fill in Surveys Before You Can View Premium Content?

With so many guides on the internet now about "how to make money fast", webmasters are frequently forgetting why people visit their sites in the first place. Looking at the pages of some websites now-a-days, you could be excused into thinking that the internet has gone from been a world of information sharing, to one were a site's user experience is disregarded in favour of website monetization.
The attitude that visitors are just tools to make cash on the internet has lead to innovations in ways to make money from users; one such example of this is through the use of CPA surveys. The site's publisher, often using the services of a third party, online marketing company, makes users fill out surveys before they can view a site's "premium" content. The advertising firm gets paid for making you to fill in consumer research surveys for companies, getting you to register on sites or wasting your time doing something else as equally laborious. The website, which published the survey, then gets a small share of the profit. In summary people make money by using your time!
What makes the use of content blocking surveys even worse, is that often the content, promised to the user after they complete a survey, rarely exists!
It the exploitation of users via the use of content covering surveys, that this project aims at stopping.
