By now, you’ve heard the buzz about article marketing, video submitting, social bookmarking, social networking, and blogging.
After all, Facebook alone has over 500 million members. Twitter is growing at over 1100% a year. YouTube has over 50% of all web traffic. Even “unknown” social networking sites has huge growth and millions of members, like many of these sites:
And it’s a “dream strategy” for many other reasons, too.
So if you’ve learned to write articles, blog posts, make videos, (or you’re currently learning how), then congratulations.Free advertising
Viral marketing
Boost your personal and business credibility
Massive exposure to millions of potential visitors
Get continuous traffic to your website for years
Reach the unreachables
Join the fastest growing sites on the web
You’re halfway there!
That’s the second step.How to position your content in the market so you quickly stand out and get noticed.
How to find the right sites to post your content to and reach them in the right ways.
How to get your material on all the sites you want it on, without costly outsourcing.
How to keep up-to-date on the list of ever changing ‘Hot” sites to post to.
How to manage and complete marketing campaigns like a pro so your promotions make buying your product or affiliate offering a ‘no-brainer’.
And once you combine these two powerful steps (knowing how to produce great content AND how to get those awesome posts and videos on the right sites), then there’s not much that can stop you from becoming a HUGE success in your market.
But here’s the problem: What sites do you focus on? Does your plan look like this?
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